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MGA sets up a Commercial Communications Committee and publishes Guidelines

The Malta Gaming Authority (the “MGA”) is hereby announcing that for the purpose of ensuring the Gaming Commercial Communications Regulations (S.L. 583.09) are being adhered to, the Authority has set-up a Committee (Commercial Communications Committee). The main functions of the Committee lie in reviewing commercial communications brought to its attention and assessing any possible breaches.

In addition, the MGA is hereby issuing the Commercial Communications Guidelines (the “Guidelines”), as part of the MGA’s mission of placing player protection and responsible gaming on top of its regulatory agenda.

These Guidelines are aimed at providing practical guidance to any person offering licensable game/s and to persons who collaborate in any way or provide any service, including any marketing or promotional service, to or on behalf of such persons.  The Guidelines are intended to serve as guidance on the interpretation of the Regulations, and should not be considered to be a substitute for the relevant laws and regulations. They reflect the MGA’s intended effect of the Regulations, but neither constitute new rules nor bind the MGA or the Committee on the manner in which they will decide upon any commercial communication complaint.

All decisions taken by the Committee, following the determination of whether a breach has taken place or otherwise, will be listed on for future reference to all relevant stakeholders.

Any alleged breaches of the Gaming Commercial Communications Regulations (S.L. 583.09) are to be reported to the Authority via an email on