10/05/2021 – Notice of Cancellation of Authorisation for Magic Services Limited (C 53486)

By virtue of the first proviso to Regulation 12 of the Gaming Compliance and Enforcement Regulations (S.L. 583.06) (hereinafter the ‘Regulations’), the Malta Gaming Authority (hereinafter the ‘Authority’) is hereby notifying Magic Services Limited (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Authorised Person’) with this Notice of Cancellation (hereinafter the ‘Notice’) in relation to the licence granted to it by the Authority numbered MGA/B2C/149/2007.

The Authority deems the Authorised Person to have committed the breaches outlined hereunder which have been identified to warrant the issuance of this Notice in accordance with Regulation 10 (1) (a) of the Regulations:

The Authorised Person failed to pay to the Authority the annual licence fee covering the period between 01 August 2020 to 31 July 2021, and the relevant compliance contribution fees pertaining to the licence numbered MGA/B2C/149/2007, amounting to a total of seventy-one thousand and thirty-five euro and fifty-four cents (€71,035.54), in contravention of Regulation 3 of the Gaming Licence Fees Regulations (S.L.583.03).

In terms of regulation 10 (2) (a) of the Regulations, the Authority is hereby requesting the Authorised Person to show cause in writing, within twenty (20) days from the date of publication of this Notice, as to why the authorisation should not be cancelled by the Authority. The Authority is also directing the Authorised Person to settle the outstanding dues forthwith.

Should the Authorised Person fail to exercise its right to show cause why the Authority should not proceed with the imposition of the foregoing enforcement measure within the abovementioned twenty (20) days, the Authority shall proceed accordingly.

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