Regulatory Updates

Updates to ‘Change in Personal Details’ Application

The Malta Gaming Authority has performed some updates to the ‘Change in Personal Details’ application to further streamline the application process. The changes relate to:

  • The addition of a new section requesting applicants to specify any direct or indirect involvement with a sports club, its members, or the sports sector at large. Applicants must also detail any measures taken to prevent conflicts of interest, if applicable. This section must be completed by all qualifying shareholders, directors, and the person holding the Key Compliance role if the Licensee/Prospective Applicant is offering or will offer sports betting.
  • The request for an applicant to disclose any past sanctions, restrictions, or penalties imposed by governmental, regulatory or professional bodies, as well as any international sanctions. Applicants are to include all relevant details if applicable.
  • The option to electronically sign and upload both the Personal Declaration Form and, if applicable, the Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) Eligibility Form within the Enclosures section of the same application on the Portal.

The Personal Declaration Form has been updated to reflect these changes, which will come into force as from 30 July 2024. More information on the Individual Application Process can be found here.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]

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